In the State of Texas over 18% of all inmates have been convicted of Drug offenses.
According to reports over 114 of these inmates are serving life sentences with some convicted of possessing 1-4 gms of drugs.
Many law markers believe that these people are serving long prison sentences for relatively minor offenses.
Answer: (B)
The court ruled that political action committees (PACs) could accept unlimited contributions for making "Independent Expenditures"
Political Action Committees (PACs) are independent groups created to raise money in support of a particular candidate.
Prior to the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case, the amount of money that could be contributed to PACs was limited.
In 2010, the supreme court ruled in favor of Citizens United, in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case.
The ruling was that corporations and unions were allowed to spend as much as they wanted to, in support of their chosen candidates as long as the corporations were independent of the campaigns. Therefore PACs could receive unlimited contributions.
According to the Supreme court, political spending is protected under the 1st amendment, as it is a form of free speech.
This was an important case as it helped ease the restrictions on political spending.
Intro: No I do not think that books should be banned, if people do not want their child to get a hold of or read this content then keep it out of their reach. And if you, an adult, doesn’t want to read it. Then don’t.
If everyone votes then they technically they have a say in who is running there form of government.