Mitosis: Mitosis is a cell or nuclear division following the duplicate of the chromosomes, whereby each daughter cell or nucleus has exactly the same chromosomes content as the parent. In other words, mitosis is a cell division in which daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Mitosis takes place during organism's growth, development, and asexual reproduction. in plants mitosis takes place in the terminal bud of the shoot at the tip of the roots and shoots. In animal mitosis occur at growth centres which are everywhere.
Mitosis produce diploid number, in order word, the number of chromosomes in each somatic cell of an organism is called the diploid number (2n)
Example of mitosis is the multiplication of the skin covering a child's body during growth
“The term significant figures refers to the number of important single digits (0 through 9 inclusive) in the coefficient of an expression in scientific notation . The number of significant figures in an expression indicates the confidence or precision with which an engineer or scientist states a quantity.”
Ruler. A steel ruler aids the measurement and layout of straight lines. The ruler, also called "straightedge" or "straight-edged ruler," is a long, thin strip of wood, metal or plastic marked with increments of measurement.
Measuring Tape. The modern measuring tape's roughly palm-sized casing contains a coiled strip of metal marked with increments of measurement. The metal strip, called "tape," attaches to a spring which automatically retracts the tape into the casing following use.
Walking Tape Measure. The walking tape measure, also called "surveyor's measure," records the distance traveled by a wheel. An operator pushes the measure's wheel, similar to a bicycle wheel, by a handle as an attached ticker box displays feet or meters in the same format as a car's odometer.
Laser Measure. The laser measure offers point and shoot distance measurement. In its most basic form, a laser measure is a hand-held electronic device with a digital display.
To solve this problem we will apply the work theorem which is expressed as the force applied to displace a body. Considering that body strength is equivalent to weight, we will make the following considerations

Work done to upward the object

Horizontal Force applied while carrying 10m,

Height descended in setting the child down

For full time, assuming that the total value of work is always expressed in terms of its symbol, it would be zero, since at first it performs the same work that is later complemented in a negative way.
A if it is one answer and if it’s multiple choice A and D