A hydronium ion has a charge of one plus
During a chemical reaction, the atoms of the original substances gain, lose or share their electrons with those of the substances with which they are reacting. The reaction creates new substances made up of a new combination of atoms and a different configuration of electrons.
An action with a stimulus and reflex response is an involuntary action
A mineral is a naturally occurring chemical compound,
usually of crystalline form and abiogenic in origin. A mineral has one specific
chemical composition. Coal is not a mineral because it is organic while a
mineral is inorganic that have repeating crystalline structure.
There are 3 types of plastids :-
1) Chloroplasts:- The green plastids which contain chlorophyll pigments for photosynthesis.
2) Chromoplasts:-The coloured plastids for pigment synthesis and storage.
3) Leucoplasts:- The colourless plastids for monoterpene synthesis found in non- photosynthetic parts of the plants.
They are of three types:-
a) Amyloplasts- stores starch.
b) Proteinoplasts- stores proteins.
c) Elaioplasts- stores fats and oils.