Answer and Explanation:
Comparison between the Titan's atmosphere and earth atmosphere
- Titan atmosphere is more denser than the earth atmosphere
- The quantity of nitrogen is more in titan atmosphere than earth atmosphere titan atmosphere have about 98 % of nitrogen in the other hand earth atmosphere has only 78 %
- There are no oxygen present in titan atmosphere while in earth atmosphere it is present
- Its air is not suitable for breath but in earth atmosphere we can breath
Light will travel more slowly in a material with a higher index of refraction
Objects should be cooled before their mass is determined on a sensitive balance because it could damage the balance. Also, because it would give you wrong reading of the mass. Hot objects would warm the air around it. A warm air would expand and would produce convection as it rises causing to give the object a mass that is less than the actual. Another reason would be it would cause instability in the readings, the mass would fluctuate every now and then due to the convection currents around the object. It is always recommended to weigh the masses of objects that are in room temperature.
The part you talk into, that converts the sound of your voice
into an electrical signal, is a tiny microphone.
-- The sound waves from your voice are ripples in the air.
-- In most microphones, there's a tiny coil of wire hanging
between the ends of a tiny magnet.
-- When the ripples in the air hit the little coil of wire, they
make it vibrate (wiggle) slightly.
-- When a coil of wire wiggles in the field of a magnet,
a current flows in the wire.
There's your electrical signal !