Precipitation and temperature
For example, the atomic mass of an oxygen atom is 16.00 amu; that means the molar mass of an oxygen atom is 16.00 g/mol. Further, if you have 16.00 grams of oxygen atoms, you know from the definition of a mole that your sample contains 6.022 x 10^23 oxygen atoms.
Gravity is the force that keeps the planets in orbit.
The atomic radius of elements are used to estimate the sizes of elements. The atomic radius is taken as half of the inter-nuclear distance between two covalently bonded atoms of non-metallic elements or half of the distance between two nuclei in the solid state of metals.
To solve this problem we will obtain the atomic radius values of the given elements from a standard atomic radius table;
Si 111 pm
P 98 pm
Cl 79 pm
S 87pm
pm = picometer
We see that chlorine has the least atomic radius
75 minutes=0.0520833 days