The best answer to the question: What is the effect of the inheritance of one trat on the inheritance of a second trait? Through the creation of a hypothesis, would be: Traits are inherited from one, or both parents, depending on the recombination process of genes, and the dominance of one over the other.
Inheritance of genetic traits in a person is not merely a question of simple combination of genes, dependent, or independent, and the expression of those traits. In fact, there are a lot of factors that play a role in whether a set of genes, or merely one, from one, or both parents, will be passed on and expressed by the heir. When genes combine, there is a matter of distance between the genes when they are copied, as well as dominance of one over another, that will ensure passage, and expression. But maybe the biggest factor that plays a role here is recombination. As genes are copied and divided, over and over, this process affects the rate and regularity of expression. Thus, in a person, dominance of genes and recombination, will ensure that one trait may, or may not, affect the inheritance of a second trait.