Skeletal muscle fiber is a muscular tissue that is attached to the skeletal system. the skeletal muscle fibers are striated muscles i.e have striations in their structure. The skeletal muscle fibers are voluntary muscles i.e they can be controlled.
Motor unit is a composed of a motor nerve cell attached to a muscle fiber with its axon terminals. Motor nerve cells or neurons are the types of neurons that send impulses from the central nervous system to the responding organ. The muscle fiber may be attached to many neurons not only one neuron. Collectively, all the neurons attached to the same muscle fiber are called motor pool.
A skeletal muscle twitch is the contraction of a muscle fiber in response to the minimum stimulation.
The electrical stimulus is the stimulation of a skeletal muscle fiber by using external electrical impulses. The electrical stimulus is important in many sporting and medical situations.
A latent period is a period between applying a stimulus to a muscle fiber and the response of this muscle fiber by contraction.
Answer: C)
I am 100% sure, however,
a) It is true that developed countries have lower death rate, but that doesn't contribute to the question and supports the opposite thesis.
b) In developed countries there is less birth rate as we see with demographic crisis in Europe and China.
c) Lower birth rates provides less people for the economy and is the most feasible answer
d) Fake news, there are actually lower death rates in developed countries compared to developing ones.
The correct answer would be divergent evolution showing by homologous organs.
In the illustration human arm, the flipper of the dolphin, wings of bat and forearm of frog are shown. All these four forelimbs have a different function, however, these forelimbs are having the same underlying anatomy.
The organs having basic structure and origin, but different functions are known as homologous organs. These organs point towards the same ancestor from these organisms evolved. They show a case of divergent evolution.
When related species become less similar in order to adapt and survive in different conditions, evolution is called divergent evolution.
Thus, these forelimbs provide evidence for divergent evolution.
These would be the methanogens...they are the only organisms that produce methane gas.
Latitude refers to the distance of a location on Earth's surface from the equator in relation to the North and South poles (e.g., Florida has a lower latitude than Maine); altitude is defined as how high a location is above sea level (e.g., being on top of a hill vs bottom of the same hill). they share the similarity of measuring the distance from one set point to another.