Venison, It comes from deer and we dont hunt cows.
Common North American game species include bear, bison, antelope, caribou, DEER, elk, moose, reindeer, wild boar, snake, alligator, rabbit, squirrel, beaver, and birds (pheasant, grouse, quail, wild turkey, wild geese and ducks).
you could consider turkey as a game meat but you can buy turkey from the store as opposed to venison.
in vivo exposure therapy
This kind of therapy is based on the idea that the patient should face the trigger that produces discomfort. Although it can be thought as a counterproductive kind of therapy, it is necessary to take into account that the professional should be very well prepared in order to recognized the level of anxiety the patient is going through when the in vivo exposure therapy is taking place, and it is possible to simply stop it when they consider it is not healthy for the patient.
On the other hand, the therapy is very well known to help patients facing diferent kinds of phobias and to be very successful.
Impulse-control disorder.
Impulse-control disorder (ICD) is a disorder related to the inability to handle feelings or impulses properly. The person with these kinds of disorders can not resist the urge or impulse to take drugs, pay attention or engage in certain situations as Nancy does.