2hydogen + 1oxygen = H2O = water
The answer lies with carbon's unique properties. Carbon has an exceptional ability to bind with a wide variety of other elements. Carbon atoms can form multiple stable bonds with other small atoms, including hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Carbon atoms can also form stable bonds with other carbon atoms.
The correct answer is: Artificial selection (selective breeding).
Artificial Selection is a form of selection, totally influenced by human, in which traits that should be passed onto offspring are chosen by human. Selective breeding was used long before the genetics was discoverd. Farmers used individuals with beneficial traits, larger in size, with bigger fruit etc.
Hunting is also one type of selective breeding, since the hunters choose the animal and remove it from the population (gene pool), leaving the “weaker” to pass on to the next generation.
"Prokaryote" is shown in the given image.
Answer: Option A
A prokaryote is a single-cell organism which is deficient in a membranous nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membranous organs. Prokaryotes are categorized into two domains: Bacteria and Archaea. At the third domain: Eukaryota, species with nuclei and organelles are located.
The asexual prokaryotes reproduce without fusion of gametes. They are considered as first living organisms. In the prokaryotes components like proteins, DNA and metabolites, overall the intra-cellular water-soluble components are enclosed by the cell membrane as situated together in the cytoplasm, rather than in separate cellular compartments.
Increasing water vapor leads to warmer temperatures, which causes more water vapor to be absorbed into the air. Warming and water absorption increase in a spiraling cycle. Hope it helps!