You can be healthy inside of your body by eating healthy foods for example you can do keto which is a diet where you don’t eat any carbs. You can also drink a lot of water and stay away from the sugary drinks that are not good for you. You can exercise 3 times a week for the body to grow muscles and become stronger this can build your perfect body and can have your body goals accomplished. You can be healthy outside of your body by taking care of yourself and what I mean by that is take a shower and moisturize your skin with lotion or body butter ( whatever you prefer ) . Keep your enamel and teeth healthy. Keep your face and hair clean and looking nice. And keep your hygiene at its best. social media these days shows that healthy living is easy and looks so effortless. Well for some people it’s very hard. Sometimes they also show that some people look amazing and might not do anything to look like that. And then people start being insecure and give up sometimes because there jealous and sad that they can’t get a body like that.( I don’t know I tried probably makes no sense but here ya go :) )
The review of the literature can be curtailed when: A. You are no longer encountering new ideas or information. All of the work done by top researchers in the area has been reviewed.
It will help you build muscle for sure but you will need to increase the reps if you want to improve further, it helps to build your biceps, pectoralis, and your deltoids