They all fit the definition of a computer
<span>E-waste is a popular name for elecronics at the end of their "useful life".. computers, tv, steros, copiers, and fax mations are some common products. many of them can be reused, refurbished, or recycled.
Buy or get new software that protects ur pc, such as a "fixmestix" or just download new software or use a disc
Lowest Level; Machine Language.
The lowest level of a computer is machine language, which are strings of 0's and 1's in bits, and it's possible to perform tasks at this level. It's however difficult to do and humans created <em>Assembly</em>; a type of low level programming language to be readable, and converts to machine language so that we don't have to work in binary.
The plate can change the function that is in it. If you were to name it wrong, you would have to debug the code and possibly rewrite it.