Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions while climate is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time.
try to re-arange words to make it sound like you did it
Marxism theory is that the upper tear of society rules the lower tear, and institutions like social welfare is one way that the lower class tries prevent their exploitation. This is Social Control of the social classes. The lower tear engaging in welfare is the exorcize of their power,
Exactly what is the question? I would love to help
Governments apply a Minimum Wage policy on Businesses to ensure the employees working for the businesses do not get exploited and get paid fairly. The trade off here is that with the Minimum Wage law in effect the businesses would face an increase in labor costs, since they gotta pay them more than if there was no Minimum Wage law, and businesses would lose out on some profit due to this increase in labor costs. To reduce these costs businesses might let go of some employees, either by firing them or making them redundant (either way the employee is losing the job) and this increases the Unemployment Rate in the country which the government does not like, as one of the government’s aims is to keep the Unemployment Rate low in their country but with their Minimum Wage law in effect they keep the businesses in check to ensure they don’t exploit their workers but they end up increasing the Unemployment Rate due to Businesses trying to retain (get back) some of their lost profit (that they lost due to the government’s Minimum Wage law).
The correct answer is letter D
Perception is about the process by which real objects, people, situations or events become conscious. It is through perception that the human being knows the world around him in a total and complex way. Perception differs from memory, because it concerns current events and is also different from intelligence and thinking in that it refers to concrete situations.
Perception is more of a concept in psychology that has different considerations, depending on the theoretical approach. It can be understood as the product of various sensory elements linked to experiences that the individual has previously, it can be understood in a very global way, being irreducible to sensations, or it can have such broad characteristics that it is confused with any cognitive process.