Operating System (OS) is the answer.
An application runs in/on an OS. It is not the OS itself. Like Word or Chrome are applications.
Systems is too generic and not specific enough to mean anything in this context. Throw away answer.
Network Operating System does not 'usually' run on a hard drive but on memory chips in things like routers, wireless access points and switches that move network traffic.
Automated targeting
Display Automated Targeting is an automated targeting option within the Audience settings of the display campaigns that gives Google full right to show your ads to an audience that is “similar” to the one you specified.
1: A loop will continue running until the defined condition returns false . ... You can type js for , js while or js do while to get more info on any of these. ... initialization - Run before the first execution on the loop. ... But it can be used to decrement a counter too.
2: The loop increments the value of new while the loop condition is true. The end value of new is 3.
3: We could use some sort of finger recognition or face so they don’t have to type in their password.
4: give them a second chance for their date of birth.
5: sum = 0 must be before for loop. If inside for loop, it will keep resetting sum to 0 each iteration.
A or B cuz you need one of the two to have WiFi cuz my computer asks if i have an adapter and then SSID