The correct answer is option C, that is, Aboriginals and Maori.
The two prime groups of people, which have inhabited the islands south of Oceania are the Maori and the Aboriginals. The Maori refers to a group of individuals, which have settled in the South and North islands of New Zealand, while the Aboriginals refers to a group of individuals, which have inhabited Australia about forty thousand years ago.
In a Lewis symbol, the symbol for the element is used to represent the atom and its core electrons. Dots placed around the atom are used to indicate the valence electrons. ... In 1916, Gilbert Newton Lewis, an American chemist, suggested that molecules were formed when atoms shared pairs of outer electrons.
Francium (Fr) has the lowest ionization energy, with a value of 4.0727eV. This ionization energy increases as one advances in a period, being greater in the group of nonmetals.