O i get it it does not stik on metal eater way
18. Reaction will occur.
19. Reaction Will occur.
20. Reaction will occur.
21. Reaction will occur.
22. Reaction won't occur.
23. Reaction will occur.
24. Reaction will occur.
25. Reaction won't occur.
The reaction rate of the metals with water, steam, acid, or hydroxides or their inert behavior towards them are noted in the metal activity series.
It contains all the metals one after the other which and the upper metal can replace the lower metal from its salt.
Calcium can replace hydrogen from acid, so the reaction will occur in 18. The products formed are calcium phosphate and hydrogen gas.
Chlorine is more reactive than bromine. So it can replace bromine from its salt to from bromine gas and magnesium chloride.
Aluminium can replace iron from its salt. So it will form aluminium oxide and iron metal. This reaction is used to obtain iron from ores.
Zinc can replace hydrogen from acid. So the products will be zinc chloride and hydrogen gas.
Chromium cannot displace hydrogen form water. So the reaction won't occur.
Tin can replace hydrogen form acid. So the reaction will proceed.
Magnesium will replace platinum from its salt. So magnesium oxide and platinum will form.
Bismuth cannot replace hydrogen from acid. So the reaction won't proceed.
The Earth is divided into three chemical layers: the Core [Inner Core (D) and Outer Core (C)], the Mantle (B) and the Crust (A). The Core is predominantly composed of iron and nickel. Even after 4.5 billion years of cooling, the Earth's core remains very hot.
What are the answer choices?