Since inflation is on the high and the unemployment rates are not that worrying, Austerity would be some options of fiscal policy to increase the revenue while lowering the inflation and cut expenses, even though it increases the unemployment rates. Austerity measures can be risky for the economy, because little spendings on some sectors can throw the economy out of balance.
Answer: The forum
The forum was the designated place the the laws of the city was placed. These laws were Rome's first written law code. Some of the constituents of the laws were how trials we're handled. They were displayed for all to see. People visited the area to shop, socialize, and listen to speakers. They were displayed at the center called The forum.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La explicación del texto "Somos integrantes de una sociedad, formamos parte de la cultura. Crecemos y nos educamos en ella y a la vez, contribuimos a construirla y modificarla," sería la siguiente.
Somos ciudadanos de un país que está formado por una diversidad de etnias y formas de pensar, unidos por un mismo concepto de soberanía que significa la capacidad de crear un gobierno autónomo e independiente de cualquier influencia exterior, representado básicamente por el territorio, la forma de gobierno y nosotros los ciudadanos.
Nosotros como ciudadanos formamos la cultura del país por medio de nuestro sistema de creencias, valores, costumbres, lenguaje y tradiciones. Eso es lo que nos hace ser un país único ante el mundo, a pesar de que al interior existan diversas formas de pensar, de acuerdo a nuestros orígenes.
El que pueden ejercer su libre derecho a elegir su propia forma de gobierno y a sus gobernantes, para convertirse en estados democráticos en donde se respete la ley. Crecemos en esta cultura que ha sido heredada por nuestros padres y nosotros la heredaremos a nuestros hijos. A nosotros nos toca seguir construyendo esa identidad y cultura para perfeccionarla.
It would be most difficult to use the <u>medical model</u> to explain why bulimia nervosa occurs mostly in western cultures.
Bulimia is an eating disorder. it is characterized by using control episodes of overeating, called bingeing. Which is followed through purging with techniques that includes vomiting or misuse of laxatives. Bingeing is consuming lots large amounts of meals than you will generally devour in a short time period, usually less than 2 hours.
Bulimia can subsequently result in physical troubles associated with now not getting the right nutrients, vomiting plenty, or overusing laxatives. possible headaches include: feeling tired and weak. Dental issues – stomach acid from chronic vomiting can harm tooth enamel.
The DSM-III-R indexed bulimia as a separate eating sickness for the primary time. The American Psychiatric Association noted binge consumption in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM). It became listed as a characteristic of bulimia.
Learn more about Nervosa here