Division means sharing an item equally. A fraction has two parts - a numerator and a denominator. ... Dividing fractions is almost the same as multiplying them. For the division of fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal (inverse) of the second fraction.
It is on Sunday,September 23 @1:10 P.M .
You just answerd it yourself i think.......
The answer is 4/3
Step-by-step explanation:
to find this multiply denominator of the fraction (3) by the whole number,e.t.c.
<em>5x-y=9, y=5x+19 write both equations in same formy=5x-9 for the first and havey=5x+19 for the second. These are two parallel lines with different intercepts. They do not intersect or coincide. No </em><em>solutions</em>
<em> </em>
<em>and y=6x+14, 12x-2y=-28 write both equations in same formy=6x+142y=12x+28 or y=6x+14. They are the same line. The solution is all of the points on the line.</em>
Step-by-step explanation:
<em>I </em><em>hope</em><em> it</em><em> will</em><em> help</em><em> you</em><em> have</em><em> a</em><em> great</em><em> day</em><em> bye</em><em> and</em><em> Mark</em><em> brainlist</em><em> if</em><em> the</em><em> answer</em><em> is</em><em> correct</em><em> </em><em>I </em><em>am </em><em>sorry</em><em> </em><em>if </em><em>the </em><em>answer</em><em> is</em><em> </em><em>worng</em><em> </em>
<em>#</em><em>c</em><em>a</em><em>r</em><em>r</em><em>y</em><em> </em><em>on </em><em>learning</em>