Well, lets say you park your car on the top of a hill, gravitational energy prevents it from the car falling back. Or a snow pack, aka before a potential avalanche. Though gravity cannot keep it safe forever, gravitational energy keeps it from crashing asap. In this case, it gives you time to escape. Altogether, gravitational force keeps the earth in it's atmosphere.
Answer: B. water frozen in the cracks of a rock help to break down the rock because water expands when frozen, and physically forces the rock apart
The flux is calculated as φ=BAcosθ. The flux is thereforemaximum when the magnetic field vector is perpendicular to theplane of the loop. We may also deduce that the flux is zero whenthere is no component of the magnetic field that is perpendicularto the loop.
when angle is zero then flux is maximium because when angle zerocos is maximium