Top left: slowing down
Top right: not moving
Bottom left: moving at a constant speed
Bottom right: speeding up
Sitting = no movement
A because the toaster converts electrical energy into heat energy and, after the bread has been heated for sufficient time, toasts pop out, ready to be buttered. And converting means transforming.
LAW 1 : For a given metal and frequency, the number of photoelectrons emitted is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident radiation.
LAW 2: For a given metal, there exists a certain frequency below which the photoelectric emission does not take place. This frequency is called threshold frequency.
LAW 3: For a frequency greater than the threshold frequency, the kinetic energy of photoelectrons is dependent upon frequency or wavelength but not on the intensity of light.
LAW 4: Photoelectric emission is an instantaneous process. The time lag between incidence of radiations and emission of electron is 10^-9 seconds.
no it is not a property of mass