The sun looks bigger than other stars because it is closer to the Earth, distance makes it look larger
The teardrop could be an example as it was designed for that purpose, and most notably planes and such aero traveling vehicles
Ans; see attached file for calculation and answer
M1 V1 = M1 V2 + M2 V3 conservation of momentum
V2 = (M1 V1 - M2 V3) / M1 where V2 = speed of M1 after impact
V2 = (3 * 9 - 1.5 * 5) / 9 = (27 - 7.5) / 9 = 2.17 m/s
Note: All speeds are in the same direction and have the same sign
Option A:
Surface waves are neither transverse nor longitudinal.They traverse perpendicularly or parallel to the wave's motion along the interface between different media.
Option B:
Transverse waves vibrate perpendicularly to the direction of the propagation of the wave.
Option C:
Sound is a longitudinal wave.Not a transverse wave.
Option D:
Transverse waves don't require a medium for propagation.But they propagate in medium too.