<span>The answer is endonorphins. They are opotid peptide hrmones and are poduced endogenously. Endonorphons inhibit transmissions of the signals related to pain, and are also use in depersonalization treatments. They are screted in brain and nervous system and cause an analgesic effect in the body.</span>
The ideal positions for enema administration are the Right side position Left side position Knee chest position and on the back
Answer is C- The social life is as important as the athletic aspect in most masters.
If a person is passed out due to alcohol overdose you need to perform the following steps :-
- Try to wake him up by pinching in the sternum or the ear lob hard enough so it causes pain
- If he still doesn't wake up ,tell another person to call 911
- Meanwhile , you should lean the person forward ,best if he is on the floor to eliminate the chances of falling
- Do not leave the person alone at any cost ,because there are chances of assault if the surroundings are not safe
- When the 911 arrives ,tell them all the details about all the activities and the drinks that were present
- Rest will be taken care by the the medical staff
Note :-even if the person is not passed out but showing certain signs doesn't mean they do not need help ,they are equally in danger .The signs may seem like
- Vomiting
- Less physical activity
- Seizures
- Less than 8 breaths per minute
- Reduced body temperature
Hand hygiene, PPE (personal protective equipment), and work practice/engineering controls. This includes needle safety devices, needle-less systems, sharps containers, HEPA filters, and negative pressure rooms.