It is false. Plant cells have chloroplast and mitochondria.
Enzymes are biological catalysts which speed up biochemical reactions.
Fight or flight response.
Fight or flight response is also known as hyper arousal response. This response is mainly generated in case of attack and harmful event.
Jade hears a rattle sound and sees a rattle snake as she turns turns around, this is a type of harmful event or fear for Jake. This condition causes the dilation of pupil, sweat and heart pounds in Jade's body. The fight and flight response has been generated in Jade's.
As motion accelerates it produces heat, as heat of an object increases or decreases, affects its potential to be moved
Occurrence of mud slides after heavy rains.
Soil erosion is defined as the removal of top soil from the land and it affects the fertility of the soil. It is also known as soil degradation.
Soil erosion has both short-term and long-term damage. Short-term damage of erosion includes the occurrence of mudslides after heavy rains which is called landslide. It is a short-term damage because landslides took long-duration to happen and when happened it can be shortly recovered using machines.
Hence, the correct answer is "the Occurrence of mudslides after heavy rains."