When the temperature of the air becomes almost equal to the dew point the air becomes saturated and the relative humidity during this condition becomes 100%. If the temperature of the air decrease below the dew point the relative humidity will be 100% or exceeds 100%. This condition, when the temperature of the air decreases below the dew point is called supersaturation but most of the time the temperature of the air will be lower than the dew point.
Long-term storage of information of a living thing.
Sand dunes or desert pavement
The lithosphere is extremely hot. The temperature of the lithosphere can reach around 600 degrees Celsius.
There is no chance of child with the disease
As cystic fibrosis is a recessive disease homogeneous condition is required in child to have the disease . Since the mother is not suffering from the disease & there is no history in her family so she does not have the gene for cystic fibrosis