Answer: Storming
Storming is defined as the level in group/team development in which sorting between members takes place by raising their opinions and thoughts openly for gaining each other trust.
In this situation, sometimes conflict may rise due to the position, status and power of other members.Also members become interested in learning different opinions than having common opinion which creates trust in team members knowing about everyone's actual thoughts.
According to the situation mentioned int he question, Nick's team is facing storming stage in the rems of group development. Terek , member of the team is not agreeing with direction given by Nick because their opinions does not match and thus, its creating a dispute.
The most effective shots are delivered to an animal's vital organs—heart and lungs. In large game animals, these organs lie in the chest cavity behind the front shoulder. A lung shot is the most effective shot for big game. The area of the vital organs also contains major blood vessels and arteries.
Dialectical materialism is a philosophical current described by Karl Marx. Materialism means that only matter exists. There are no abstract entities. The evolutionary process of living things supports this trend. Because it is the field of dialectical materialism to investigate the philosophical essence by going through various changes over time.
Psychoanalytical perspective was produced by Sigmund Freud. It was the famous and mostly used by other psychologist in their own theories.
The Uncanny is the concept that is used by Freud in his theory to understand the unthinking and trick. Jokes are simultaneously and irrationally perceived by people in both the conscious and unconscious way. The jokes that are tendentious are most type of uncanny or can be called innocuous. These are satirical jokes. The satirical can be called less ambiguous jokes ever that more exposed the unconscious material. The unacceptable material rework in conscious part that express in the conscious part of the brain.
The German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 is an example of geography playing an important role in the defeat of an invading army.