The group needs to find signs of apical dominance, growth in response to light, vascular tissue differentiation, formation of lateral and adventitious roots, etc.
Lanolin is a solvent used to study physiological processes in plants by diluting hormone growth regulators (in this case, indole acetic acid). Indole acetic acid (IAA) is the most important auxin hormone in plants. Auxins are essential plant hormones synthesized in expanding shoot tips that move down the stem to the roots. These hormones coordinate cell division, elongation and identity during plant body development. IAA hormone is well known to regulate different plant developmental processes including, among others, apical dominance (where the central stem grows more strongly than other lateral stems), tissue differentiation, stem elongation, phototropism (growth in response to light) and gravitropism (response to gravity). For instance, under the application of IAA, it is expected that bean stems grow to imitate the response to light (phototropism) by bending away from the side where lanolin was applied.
Answer:a symbiotic relationship between organisms in which one of the organisms benefits and the other is harmeda symbiotic relationship between organisms in which one of the organisms benefits and the other is harmed
Answer and Explanation:
a. According to Lamarck, the origin of the long hind legs of the Ord's kangaroo rat is acquired due to extensive use of the muscle legs to jump. Such physical characteristics could be transmitted to future generations. This theory is called Neo-Lamarckism.
b. Darwin, on the other hand, theorized that in a population of Ord's kangaroo rat, there was an individual whose characteristics, long tail and hind legs, had more chances of escaping its predator and, consequently, could survive and reproduce. This theory is called Darwinism.
Platelets start a clotting reaction that intimately produces a clot composed of fibrin, is a form of Fibrinogen
Fibrinogen is blood plasma Protein which is converted into those protein fibrins in the clotting process. After removal of clot the fibrinogen free fluid is obtained and this fluid is known as blood serum. It shows strong flow birefringence. It is highly viscous.
By half saturation process and using the sodium chloride fibrinogen can be participated from the blood plasma. Through thrombin process clotting is initiated. With the help of electron micrographs, its molecules look like a rod whose length is 47.5 nanometre.
The reduction of friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces of an internal cavity is the function of serous fluid.
Between the parietal layer and visceral layer of an internal cavity there is serous fluid that reduces the friction between these two surfaces and allows an easier movement of the parietal and visceral layers. The serous fluid is produced by serous glands that are in the parietal and visceral membrane.