Modern age is called age of science and technology because of the development in the field of science and technology
I believe the answer is: <span>emotion-focused and problem-focused coping.
Emotion focused coping refers to the method of tackling problem by controlling our emotion (such as deep breathing to reduce anxiety) . Problem-focused coping refers to the method of tackling problem by using technical approach (such as using notes to help her delivery)</span>
D) Symbolic ethnicity
Ethnicity or ethnic group is defined as people sharing common traditions, values, and beliefs based on the similarity of their history, culture, and nation. Symbolic ethnicity refers to the pride and love one feels for their ethnicity without integrating it into their daily behavior. The term was first used in the United States of America Herbert Gans to denote the nostalgic feeling feels in connection to their ethnicity.
Answer: Variability
Variability is the trait that displays variation occurring in sample of experiment and results .Variation can be present in experiment as samples may differ, condition may differ,different measuring aspect, etc.
According to the question, variability is the factor that should be considered to determine degree of difference present between data and how they are separate from each other in terms of sample structure, measurement , rate, influence etc even though it is producing same results.
I believe the answer is: resource room
in School setting, resource room refers to a room separated from classess that is used solely for the purpose of remeditation for students who fail to meet a certain standard in regular class. usually, students would be given homeworks or other assignments as a chance to fix their score.