1.Según la forma de vida y de obtener alimento los organismos de un ecosistema se clasifican en organismo productores, organismos consumidores y organismos descomponedores.
2.Las condiciones ambientales en ergonomía tienen que ver con el diseño de aspectos como la temperatura, la iluminación o el ruido. En centros de atención a personas dependientes los principales problemas se relacionan con la temperatura y la iluminación y afectan a casi todos los trabajadores
3.SUSTANCIAS ORGÁNICAS E INORGÁNICAS Las sustancias orgánicas son todas aquellas relacionadas con la vida, y se componen de carbono, de oxígeno o hidrógeno, mientras que las inorgánicas son sustancias "muertas", donde escasean estos elementos propios de la vida como el carbono, el oxígeno y el hidrógeno, o si
The radiologic
skeletal survey is most useful tool for detecting occult trauma fractures in children
younger than 2 years old. A current policy states that skeletal survey is
mandatory in all cases of suspected child abuse because younger
children are easier to lift, shake, throw, pull and fall. Moreover, occult fractures can be detected by bone scan
though; bone scan is not specific for fracture but still most useful in
detecting occult rib fractures.
More branching or folds.
Adaptation may be defined as the ability of the organism to adapt and survive according to its environment. Physical, physiological and chemical changes occur in the body of organism for the adaptation process.
The evolution of the increase in the size of the animals might also changes their internal physiology. The lungs and digestive tract also evolved as the size of the organism get bigger. The lungs has the alveoli to increase the surface area and inhalation of more oxygen in the body. Digestive system has villi or folds that increases the surface area for digestion and absorption.
Thus, the answer is more branching or folds.