70% solution is more effective
The 70% solution is more effective at inhibiting microbial growth than the 100% solution of the ethyl alcohol.
This is because the pure ethyl alcohol coagulates the protein that is in contact with it.
Also, pure alcohol will tend to evaporate faster than the 70% solution of the ethyl alcohol and it will not be that much effective.
They are usually held out for a period of FOUR TO SIX WEEKS after diagnosis. Splenomegaly is an infectious disease that corrupt the spleen and the enlarged spleen usually persist even after all the symptoms have disappeared. Because of this, athletes should not resume active exercise too soon. Generally, the shortest period after which it is okay to resume active exercise is four weeks after all the symptoms have gone.
Answer: alpha
Explanation: Alpha particles are fast moving streams of positively charged particles that are shown to be Helium nuclei. They have a mass
number of 4 and an atomic number of 2 and a charge of +2. Alpha particles are represented as 4He2. When 238U92 becomes 234Th90, it emitted a helium nucleus 4He2. The equation for the decay is 238U92 ---> 234Th90 + 4He2.
The answer to this question is the "coal-burning power or the power plants". Hence, the Airborne mercury has received special attention because it is a widespread and persistent neurotoxin. TA neurotoxin is a substance that damages the brain and the nervous systems. Minute doses can cause nerve damage and other impairments, especially in the young children and the developing fetuses. The majority of the airborne mercury is released by POWER PLANTS or coal-burning plants. Many people are affected and get sick that is why when there is a proposed new power plant project, most people object and opposed.
Heat/melting and pressure.