- Boolean------------------->Stores one of two given values
- null------------------->allows optional values
- memo------------------->allows inserting a large amount of text including numbers
- autonumber------------------->serves as a counter in your database
<em>Boolean:</em> In computing the Logical or Boolean data type is one that can represent binary logic values, that is, 2 values, which normally represent false or true.
<em>Null:</em> Null is not designed as an integer, character, or other specific data type.
<em>Memo:</em> It is used to enter data that includes text, numerical values that don't require mathematical calculations, or a combination of text and numbers. Accepts a maximum of 255 characters.
<em>Autonumber: </em>The value that this field contains will be increased every time a record is added to the table that contains it, then this data type is used to carry a sequence of the records entered into a table. This type of data is not allowed to be modified.