A debugging process where you, the programmer, pretend you are a computer and step through each statement while recording the va lue of each variable at each step is known as
1 answer:
hand tracing
as a programmer when we pretend computer in the debugging process by the step of each statement in recording
then there value of variable is hand tracing because as The hand tracking feature is the use of hands as an input method
so while recording value of each variable each step is hand tracing
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Ummm did you try to add or subtract and multiply or divide that can get your answer
w = 10.437 kips
deflection at 1/4 span 20.83\E ft
at mid span = 1.23\E ft
shear stress 7.3629 psi
area of cross section = 18*76
length of span = 32 ft
moment = 334 kips-ft
we know that
moment = load *eccentricity
334 = w * 32
w = 10.437 kips
deflection at 1/4 span
= 20.83\E ft
at mid span
shear stress
850.8480103 feet
First you take the diameter and find the circumference, which is (2)(pi)(r) plug in your r which is 26/2= 13 so 2(13)(pi) and multiply taht by 125 after that take your answer and divide by 12which is 850.8480103