You didn't really provide the required table. But as a general hint, you should look at the differences between the two groups and then you can see what were the differences in amount of weight gained, amount of body fat, as well as the composition of the microbial community.
<span>A tiger looks so much different as an adult than it did as a single fertilized egg because it developed through different stages from being a zygote (fertilized egg), to becoming an embryo (where it experiences intense cellular changes), to becoming a fetus (where it gains a great measure of cell specialization, and develops distinct tissues and organ systems). After birth, the tiger still undergoes further growth and development into adulthood. This is largely regulated by the expression of different genes at different times and also by environmental factors.</span>
The lysosomes would be the recycling and waste disposal center in cell city.
Its creates air pullution, Burning of fossil fuels produces oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, etc. that cause acid rain, which affects the soil fertility and water.
If a person comes in contact with this same virus years later, our body produces antibodies to get rid of or kill the virus
When a person is infected by a virus, the infected person's body develops antibodies as an immune response to act against the virus. Antibodies are produced as part of humoral immunity.
Antibodies work by neutralizing the viral activity, agglutination, phagocytosis or by complement system.
Antibodies are protein compounds which can recognize the invading pathogens and attack them.
Antigens or viral proteins in the virus leads to the production of antibodies in the host's body.
The specific antibodies triggers innate immune response upon detecting specific viral antigens when infected and will help the body to get rid of or kill the virus.