Find the GCF of both numbers
So each bouquet would have 9 of both rose and carnations
V = s³
v = (1.2s)³
v = 1.728s³
1.728 * 100% = 172.8% increase
The first one is 4 x 10^-9
second one is 4 x 10^10
third one is 5 x 10^7
fourth on is 2 x 10^-5
155 inches
Step-by-step explanation:
1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches ; 6 yards = 18 feet = 216 inches ; 216 inches-61 inches = 155 inches
Equation: 8=4b
The green line equals 8 and the black time equals 2b+2b. So to form an equation where the green line equals the black line it would look like: 8=2b+2b
8 being the green line
2b+2b being the black line
Then the directions tell us to combine like terms, like terms are terms that are the same such as 2b in this problem, and to combine them means to add them together.
So, 2b+2b= 4b
So the answer is, 8= 4b
In order to solve this equation divide both sides by 4.
Which leaves you with: 8/4= b
Now solve 8/4:
Which gives you: