If the Fed conducts an open market purchase by specifically buying government securities from the Bank, banks' reserves increase and the quantity of money increases.
The Federal Reserve (Fed) buys and sells government securities to control the money supply. This activity is called open market operations (OPO). By buying and selling government securities in the free market, the Fed can expand or contract the amount of money in the banking system and pursue its monetary policy.
To increase the money supply, the Fed will purchase bonds from banks to inject money into the banking system.
The Federal Reserve's latest effort to calm the financial system — pumping $100 billion a day into trillion-dollar funding markets — is intended to be a temporary role, born of necessity. But it may turn out to be a significant expansion of the Fed's footprint.
December 31
- Dr Equity Investments account (Blue Mission) 34,000
Cr Revenue from Investments account 34,000
Since Base owns 34% of Blue, they should record 34% of Blue's net income = $100,000 x 34% = $34,000
December 31
Dr Equity Investments account (Blue Mission) 34,000
Cr Revenue from Investments account 34,000
Equity investments account is an asset account and it increases, therefore it should be debited.
Revenue from investments is a revenue account and all revenue is credited.
Excellent customer service is very important because if they treat the customers badly then their company’s customers will slowly decrease
He should just seek the car for 3,800 if he was to continue with the restoration he would lose and extra 600 bucks. hes already lost 200 investing in the car already. so either way hes not making any sort of profit. hes just waiting his time.