Viruses determines the border line between the living and non living organisms. Viruses always requires a host to show the characteristics of the living organism.
Virus may also acts as pathogen for the human being. The virus has the ability to change evolve their genetic material rapidly. In case of the immunization of the influenza virus, virus might evolves quickly for the particular one vaccine and helps in providing long term protection.
Public lice, i think that is the one because it can be spread by sharing combs, contact by long hair, and many other scenarios.
can cause a decrease in the blood flow to the heart muscle.
d. contains secretions from three different accessory glands
The semen is not only made up of sperm. It also consists of secretions coming from three accessory glands: <u>seminal vesicles, prostate gland and bulbourethral gland.</u>
The seminal vesicles secrete<em> proteins, citric acid, sugar, etc</em>. and this accounts for<u><em> 2/3 volume of the semen</em></u>. It has a white color that has a tinge of brown.
The prostate glad, on the other hand, secretes a fluid that accounts for <u><em>1/3 volume of the semen.</em></u> This contains the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) that thins the semen.
The bulbourethral gland is also known as<em> "Cowper's gland." </em>This produces a secretion that ensures the sperm's motility.