The time rate of change of flux is

Given :
Area of plate

Plate separation
First find the capacitance of capacitor,



Now differentiate above equation wrt. time,

Therefore, the time rate of change of flux is

A permanent magnet creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
An electric current in a conductor creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
A moving electric charge creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
Magnet field is a region around the magnet in which the magnetic force can be experienced. A magnet has two poles: North pole and South pole. A Magnetic field originates from north pole and ends at south pole.
Magnets are of two types: Permanent magnet and temporary magnet.
A moving charge produces magnetic field. A stationary charge can not produce a magnetic field.
The rate of flowing charge constitutes an electric current. If the cardboard is placed around the current carrying conductor and the iron fillings spread around the cardboard then the iron nails get stick to it. It means that a current carrying conductor creates a magnetic field around it.
Therefore, the true statements from the given statements are as follows;
A permanent magnet creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
An electric current in a conductor creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
A moving electric charge creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
A red apple absorbs all colors of visible light except red, so red light
is the only light left to bounce off of the apple toward our eyes.
(This is a big part of the reason that we call it a "red" apple.)
Here's how the various items on the list make out when they hit the apple:
<span>Red . . . . . reflected
Orange . . absorbed
Yellow . . . </span><span><span>absorbed
</span>Green . </span><span><span>. . absorbed
</span>Blue . . </span><span><span>. . absorbed
</span>Violet .</span><span> . . absorbed</span>
<span>Black . . . no light; not a color
White . . . has all colors in it</span>
D. rocket engines are not dependent on oxygen from the air.
-Jet engines and rockets work on the same principle. They produce thrust through an internal pressure difference and, as explained by Newton’s Third Law of Motion, eject exhaust gases in an equal and opposite direction.
-The main difference between them is that jets get the oxygen to burn fuel from the air and rockets carry their own oxygen, which allows them to operate in space.
Additionally, Jet engines have two openings (an intake and an exhaust nozzle). Rocket engines only have one opening (an exhaust nozzle).