It really depends on how you look at after the fight with Germany ended we were still fighting Japan but the U.S dropped 2 atomic bombs killing over 360,000 people they did it without telling the allies because they wanted to send a message to Russia basically saying that we have these types of weapons don’t mess with us basically a flex. After the bombs were dropped the war ended but I don’t believe justice was served because the U.S committed a war crime by dropping those bombs and they did it for research purposes because as soon as the war ended they sent over researchers to go collect data on what happened and how it effected the people. There is a lot more in depth stuff that will make my argument more strong but if I type all that out I will be here all day. Over all I don’t believe justice was served but that’s everyone’s own opinion.
The Monarchy
The British Monarch is the UK's Head of State. Though it is largely a ceremonial position, the monarch and royal family maintain a strong public presence.
Revealed by
Revealed by is the concept applied when derivative classifiers incorporate classified information from an authorized source of classification guidance into a new document, which is not clearly or explicitly stated in the source document.
Sparta was ruled by two kings while athens were ruled by archons
Also shown is each import country's percentage of total Mexican exports.
United States: US$358.9 billion (76% of Mexico's total exports)
Canada: $14.1 billion (3%)
Germany: $7 billion (1.5%)
China: $6.9 billion (1.5%)
Taiwan: $6.8 billion (1.4%)
Brazil: $4.2 billion (0.9%)
Japan: $3.9 billion (0.8%)