The Classic Hollywood narrative is well suited to give the impression of speed. its tradition of concise exposition and tightly woven plotting can carry us along swiftly. Classic Hollywood often centers stories on characters with definite traits who want to achieve specific goals. Classical narrative <span>ties one scene to another.</span>
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<span>This part is called "basso continuo" wherein an accompaniment from an original composition of playing bass notes are often improvised to a form they saw that fits the mood. These accompaniments are usually organ, lute or hapsichord depending on the type of concerto they are performing.</span>
She has a very strong superego. In his theory of psychic entities, Sigmund Freud divided the psychic consciousness into 3 antagonistic levels that generate conflicts between them, and the resolution of that conflict is what governs our behavior. These levels are: The Id which is governed by the pleasure principle, the ego that is governed by the reality principle, and the superego that is governed by the principle of morality.
I hope my answer can help you.