The answer is: Information gathering and evaluation of the intervention.
The baseline data usually include the result of our performance before we enter the program. This usually be done using a numerical score for easier measurement during the study.
The baseline data later on would be compared with the result of our performance after we finish the program in order to see whether the program is a success or a failure.
The biggest problems cited by the united states are:
1. Budget problem
2. Unemployment
3. HEALTH care
4. Immigration
5. Poverty
6. inequality in wages
7. Decline of religion and morals
8. Civil rights and race relations.
10. Terrorism
It is important to solve all the problems that are faced by any human being. Because a human should b free of tension and should have freedom in every way he looks.
The problem that first should be addressed is poverty because it's such a problem that keeps man not a man it makes life hell.
When the united states has no poverty then it's possible to think of development and other activities. As the poverty gets kicked out then education and other things come into play.
The most important issues that need to be addressed first are
1 poverty
2 terrorism
3 crime
4 Education
The problem once overcome can lead any nation to its success.
Learn more about united states
Before the Journey, Hispaniola and Hurricane, Across the Caribbean, and Hurricane
The third answer/C seems to be the most accurate, as a good economy would ideally have a balance between needs and ideals.