In an alkene, cis and trans isomers are possible because the double band is rigid, cannot rotate, has groups attached to the carbons of the double bond that are fixed relative to each other, and only occurs with double bonds-possibility that molecule will have different geometries; two different molecules with slightly different properties.
-Trans-2 ends of chain across the double bond.
While naming Cis-Trans isomers the prefix cis or trans are placed in front of the alkene name when there are cis-trans isomers.
Compound that has the smallest ions with the greatest charge.
The hydrogen bonding tendency of water causes it to be 'sticky,' in that water molecules tend to stick together (as in a puddle). This is known ascohesion. Because of this property, water has a high surface tension. This means that it takes a little extra force to break the surface of the water puddle.Mar 13, 2018