To identify the specific fallacy in the argument, if the argument commits a fallacy of a personal attack or an emotional appeal
in the provided passage and also explain it and to also mention if there is no fallacy. Consider, the passage,
After lunch today, my assistant football coach gave me some advice. He saw me drinking soda, eating a candy bar, and smoking a cigarette. He said that if I wanted to maximize my potential as an athlete, I need to give up stuff that is bad for my health. Have you ever seen that guy? He is really overweight and smokes cigars. It's obvious that he has nothing to offer to make me a top athlete.
The fallacy in the argument given in the passage is a fallacy that shows the personal attack which can be divided into four distinct types of fallacies on the basis of the type of or character of personal attack.
Ad hominem abusive is one of four personal attacks fallacy that distinguished by the attack of the personal flaw of a person. In this type of fallacy, a person bashes the person on the basis of flaw instead of the argument.
Skunks are omnivores. This means that they eat multiple types of food, not just meat or plants. They are also good for gardens in the way that they eat different things.