The answer is "it begins releasing the enzymes to break down large molecules
Breaking down sugar, locomotion, copying its own DNA, allowing certain substances to pass through the cell membrane while keeping others out.
During telophase nuclear membrane is formed, nucleolus appears and astral rays disappear.
During telophase, the effects of prophase and prometaphase - the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disintegrating are reversed. Two daughter nuclei form in each daughter cell, and phosphatases dephosphorylate the nuclear lamins at the ends of the cell, forming nuclear envelopes around each nucleus.
Classification systems function in order to organize a group of organisms into smaller groups according to some kind of logic. For example, the most used classifications system in biology is the phyllogenetic, which classifies living beings according to their evolutive affinity.
In the other hand, a dichotomous key is a "guide" used by biologists when they need to indentify an individual. It is organized in several steps regarding some key characteristics in order to guide you to which species/genus/family your individual belongs to. A dichotomous key never provides any kind of trustworthy phyllogenetic information, and should be understood only as a tool.
Biology is a branch of science that studies about the living organisms.