The formula written in the 3rd line above the picture is WRONG. Don't use it. Use the formula the way it's printed in the picture.
V = d / t
That means Speed = (distance) / (time)
The question tells us that v = 330 m/s
So you write 330 m/s in the equation in place of 'v', like this:
330 m/s = (distance) / (time)
The question also tells us that the time is 0.4 second
So you write 0.4 sec in place of 'time', like this:
330 m/s = (distance) / (0.4 second)
Finally, you take this, and multiply each side of the equation by (0.4 sec). Then it'll say
distance = (330 m/s) x (0.4 second)
As soon as you do that one single multiplication there with your pencil or your calculator, you'll have the distance.
This is either the 2nd or 3rd time you've posted this same exact question since last weekend. It can be solved THIS time exactly like the answers that were posted those other times.
The DOT in the picture is marked for the wrong choice. Use the formula that's printed in the picture, not copied above it.