The countercurrent heat exchanger that prevents arterial blood from overheating the testes is the pampiniform plexus of veins. The pampiniform plexus helps to regulate testicular temperature, allowing sperm maturation. It surrounds the testicular arteries and works as a countercurrent heat-exchanger system to cool the arterial blood before entering the testes. This is because the sperms can not develop if the testis is at body temperature.
B.cytoplasm thats the answer
The right answer is false.
Angioplasty is a technique that can reopen narrowed or obstructed arteries in the heart (coronary arteries) without extensive surgery. First performed in 1977, angioplasty is now as common as coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
The treatment of arteriosclerosis is surgical or endovascular if there is a risk of life, significant functional impairment or major risk involving the life of an organ or limb.
Angioplasty is not the only surgery for this, Several surgical techniques aim at restoring the arterial lumen or irrigating the private territory or at suppressing the arterial aneurysm.
- Endoluminal angioplasty or dilation using a balloon with or without a stent to correct a stenosis or to recanalize a short arterial occlusion.
- The removal by endarterectomy which consists of removing the atheroma plug which obstructs an artery leaving only the weed.
- Bridging, which will "short circuit" the obliterated artery by allowing the passage of blood from the healthy artery upstream to the permeable artery downstream, made with venous, arterial or prosthetic material.
In case of an aneurysm two techniques are available: either bypass surgery in conventional surgery removing the aneurysm - or the stent covered excluding the aneurysm.
In all cases the risks must be compared to the benefits of each technique and correctly exposed beforehand. Each act must be adapted to each case according to the functional stage, the general state of the patient and his physiological age more than legal.
Adaptive defenses include both humoral and cellular immunity.
The innate immune response is the non-specific immune response and serves to provide an immediate and general immune response. The adaptive immune responses are the specific immune responses. Adaptive immune responses include cell-mediated immunity and antibody-mediated immunity.
Cell-mediated immunity includes T cells (cytotoxic and helper T cells) while antibody-mediated immunity includes the production of antibodies from B cells. Binding of antigen to B cells is followed by their transformation into plasma cells and produce antibodies. Some of the activated B cells form memory B cells that are responsible for quicker and strong secondary immune responses.
So in order to form a new organism, two gametes -- the sex cells, sperm and egg -- must fuse, further mixing the genes to produce more genetic diversity. Asexual reproduction is one organism dividing into two organisms without shuffling its genes, so the offspring has the same version of genes as did the parent.