Always change gloves if the gloves get ripped, torn, or contaminated. Contamination can occur after using the bathroom, smoking, coughing, sneezing, and in between preparing raw and cooked foods. Food worker hands must be washed thoroughly and be cleaned before wearing new gloves.
Analyzing Childhood Obesity Trends
A graph titled Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Rates shows years on the horizontal axis and percent on the vertical axis. Obesity increased from 5% to 14% in children ages 2 to 5. Obesity increased from 4% to 20% in children ages 6 to 11. Obesity increased from 6% to 10% in children ages 12 to 19.
Which obesity trends are represented in this graph? Check all that apply.
1 Obesity rates for children aged 2–5 doubled.
2 Obesity rates for all age groups increased.
3 Obesity rates for individuals aged 12–19 increased the most.
4 Obesity rates for children aged 6–11 increased the least.
5 More than 15% of all children aged 6 and over were obese in 2008.
ANSWER : 1 Obesity rates for children aged 2–5 doubled , 2 Obesity rates for all age groups increased , and 5 More than 15% of all children aged 6 and over were obese in 2008.
Migration is affected by various factors like age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, employment etc. People migrate to those places where they have better facilities of health services, educational services, transportation and communication and the life is easier.
Bonita is likely to have some cheesecake because she is not used to the diet.