B)if it is heated and put under pressure for long periods of time
If the temperature was too hot, it would become magma instead and the cycle would start all over again.
A Boundary Is A Line That Marks A Limit Of Space. So If You Live In A Neighborhood, Then There Would Be Fences, And That Would Be A Boundary line. It Marks Space And Divides Space. Hope That Helps.
When completing Punnett Squares, you cross the letters that meet up. For example, their are two TTs and two Tts. Dominant will always show before a recessive so if it's TT or Tt it will be the dominant version. two tt's mean that it's recessive. In a Punnett Square, one box = 25%.
Part A: The genotypic ratio is 50% TT and 50% Tt. The phenotypic ratio is 100% tall.
Part B: The two Tt's could produce a short plant because there is a 25% that the parents will both give t's.
If the male has a cleft chin, that means that his chromosomes is Aa. His wife must be aa.
Female Female
Male Aa Aa
Male aa aa
With Aa, the child will have a cleft chin. With aa, the child will not. So the probability is 50%.