Lactobacillus is the answer for this question
The sperm reproduction startes in the testicles.Sperm are produced in the testicles and develop to maturity while traveling from the seminiferous tubules through the epididymis into the vas deferens. As a male and female have sexual intercourse their are millions of sperms released which travel from the seminiferous tubules through the epididymis into the vas deferens as that happens the sperm enters throught the partner from here it takes its journey to the egg using ts tail to swim the first sperm to reaches the egg then uses the acrosome, which is a specialised Lysosome that releases enzymes so that the Sperm Cell can penetrate the Ovum Coat of the Egg.It breaks through and forms a baby.
Hope this helps
We mean that a cell changes to another type of cell.
<em>Stem cells </em>are a type of cell that has the potential to become a specialized cell, this change or differentiation, is possible thanks to the activation or deactivation of certain genes that promote (or inhibit) the expression of certain proteins that origins different types of cells (fmuscle cells, osteocytes, neurons). This differentiation happens when the cells receive cues internally ( through signals or contact between a group of cells and another or through transcription factors) or externally.
Then, a differentiated cell is a cell that had gone under the previously described process.
I hope this information is useful to you!