<span>The temporal lobe contains the area of the cortex involved in auditory processing called the primary auditory cortex.</span><span>
The temporal </span>lobe<span> is associated with </span>auditory processing<span> and olfaction.
</span>The primary auditory cortex<span> is the </span>part<span> of the temporal </span>lobe which<span> processes </span>auditory <span>information.</span>
4 m/s or 4 meters per second.
In order to calculate the speed of wave, you multiply the wavelength in meters and the frequency of the Wave in Hertz. 2 times 2 equals 4. The wave speed is always in m/s considering that the wavelength is also in meters.
mass of bus along with travelers travelling in North direction is
speed of bus towards North
mass of bus travelling in South direction is
speed of bus
mass of each Passenger in south moving bus
Momentum of North moving bus
Momentum with south moving bus
For total momentum to be towards south
should be greater than 0
thus for least value of n
No, neutrons have about the same mass as a proton, but both have more mass than electrons.
Hope this helps a bit,