The oldest malware vector was emails.
Websites were not widespread early on into the internet, however it was very easy to have a virus that uses an email contact list, where it can send itself to other email addresses and spread.
Even though both are interfaces and serve its purpose of attempting to run the strategies, their components as well as the manipulate they will get from the patient differ.
CUI (Character User Interface) :-
- It's a sort of user interface that only uses binary data and pseudographics for interface-output and data sessions.
- That's characterized by low availability for operating systems I / O resources (act with integrity) and high speed with a display of data.
GUI (Graphical User Interface (GUI):-
- Using graphical elements such as windows, icons, menus helps the user to communicate with the program.
- It is a kind of user interface along which people interact with electronic equipment through characterizations of visual indicators.
Answer TCP/IP is the most common protocol in Local Area Networks.