The higher your price, the less volume you have to produce for a given dollar amount of profit! Even a small price increase can generate significant additional profit. ... When a business comes out with a new product or service and they are the first to market, they may be able to charge high prices initially.
Required number is the vertical coordinate of the intersection point of a line at 60°C with the graph of the KNO₃.
The amount of chemical energy is equal to the amount of heat and light energy.
This is due to the principle of conservation of energy, which states that the total energy of a system remains constant.
c) both
hey, could you check the question once because I suppose it's 2-hexyne when there's a triple bond and 2-hexene when there's a double bond between Carbon atoms. As of the question asked, it's c) both but it's 2-hexene due to presence of double bond between Carbon atoms.
do tell me as well. have a good day :-))
It would be the same amount. So, 45 ml of NaOH is required to be added to the 45 ml of HCI to neutralize the acid fully. Here is a brief calculation:
Firstly, here is your formula: M(HCI) x V(HCI) = M(NaOh) x V(NaOH)
With the values put in: 0.35 x 45 = 0.35 x V(NaOH)
= 45 ml.
There is 45 ml of V(NaOH)
Let me know if you need anything else. :)
- Dotz