Selecting the head of government.
Sacagawea (Sack-A-Ja-Way-YA) Foudnt hem basically frozen to death.
She helped them by finding food, showing them the land and how to navigate, and also bringing them to her camp for supplies and shelter!
I'd say location. Think about it, does a flood occur in the desert? No!
Also, geological features such as plate boundaries. Lava comes out of a volcano that can ONLY form at a convergent boundary. And yes, hurricanes supply on water(warm water) not land and not quite cold water.
It changes the complete view of the book, it's no longer in the perspective of a hyperactive child, it's now in the perspective of a reclusive adult who did his best to help children he cared for from afar.
It helped us see how someone as feared as someone like Boo sees the world. He didn't want to be feared, he wanted to be friends with Scott and Jem.
I hope this was what you were looking for!
all manifestations that go against Westerner norms
In the context of anthropology, the term "savage slot" refers to all manifestations that go against Westerner norms. This became the savage slot as Anthropologists became the experts in regards to the societies and cultures that were almost completely colonized by The United States and even all the European countries.